Wednesday, October 5, 2011

I think this blogging thing is going to take some time.  I have to get over the feeling that what I have to say has to be AMAZING and AH inspiring.  I just need to talk it out...or blog it out.

This week has been  little difficult.  I am a true Minnesotan, so complaining about the weather is in my blood, but I must out a disclaimer on what I am about to say.  I am not complaining about the weather, but I am faulting it for my student's excess in energy.  Hey, don't get me wrong I love the heat (in August with my feet dangling in my mom's pool), but it has to cool down.  I feel for all the teachers working in buildings without air conditioning.  Yuck!

Excess energy is my issue right now...well it's not MY issue, but it is room 130's issue.  I wish we could harness that energy and save it for the gloomier, and much colder days ahead. Until then, I need some ideas!  Believe me we are still getting some learning in, but I am getting a little tired of having to gather them all back again.  Oh, OK that's it...I need some help during transitions.  That's what I am going to spend my evening searching for new (and hopefully) improved transition ideas.

Like I said before, this blogging thing is going to take some time.

1 comment:

  1. Ms. Fritze,
    Are you interested in joining the Guided Math or Guiding Readers book study? If it is the guiding readers one, give me an email at thinkingofteaching(AT)gmail(DOT)com and I can get you all set up!
