Friday, September 30, 2011

Here we go...

The 2011-2012 school year has gone off without a hitch!  I am so excited about this year. More excited than years past as this is the first year I had the opportunity to return to the same school, in the same grade, teaching with the same wonderful team.  After four years teaching in four different school years (being laid off is not fun), I was really looking forward to this year. 

As the 780+ fourth and fifth graders rushed into the building on the first day I just couldn't wait for the day to officially begin.  I had met more of my students and their families at meet and greet the week before, so it was calming to wave to familiar faces.  My favorite part of the day was when my former 4th graders, now big, grown up fifth graders, came to visit me in the morning.  I think I shed a couple tears of happiness!  

This is why I am starting a blog...I want to stay connected to past and create relationships for the future.  I am finally in a place I absolutely love with students all around.  I have nine months left of my masters program, and tomorrow (yes, on a Saturday at 4pm) I am taking my reading endorsement exam.  All that means is if I want to become a Reading Specialist or a Literacy Coach I could...however I love the classroom and I am not ready to leave.  I am ready to share my ideas with others, and collect new ideas from others.  (Lesson 1 I learned as a teacher- never re-create- always barrow!) 

So far this school year has been smooth and wonderful.  The first day was the best "first day" I had ever had.  I felt ready to take on all 27 students.  We had so much fun!  As the first month comes to a  close I am starting to meet some of their true personalities, and loving most of it.  I am still very excited to see how the rest of the year goes.  Fall conferences are right around the corner.  

My plan for this blog is to make an entry at least once a week.  Back in middle and high school I used to write in a journal every night  I wrote about what I did that day, who I had a crush on, or what friend I wasn't friends with at that moment.  I don't want to get that detailed on this blog, but I really want it to be a place to communicate from, release some stress, or just talk (write) about my days.  

Here we go...

Ms. Fritze


  1. Welcome to the world of blogging. :)

  2. I hope you have an amazing year! It sounds like you're off to a great start!
